Chimney Services Weatherford TX

Professional Chimney Sweeping in Weatherford, TX

In recent years, fireplaces, wood stoves, wood pellet stoves, and furnaces have become very popular as economical, renewable, carbon-neutral heating methods. As the cost of fuel oil and propane increases even more, people are turning to wood as a more economical heating option.

But there are downsides to wood fireplaces and stoves. One of the biggest ones is that burning wood as fuel produces smoke, and wood smoke contains pollutants, including both solid particles and gases.

As the smoke cools while it works its way up the chimney and comes in contact with the much cooler chimney pipe or liner, those gases liquefy, combine with the solids, condense into liquids, and become something called creosote.

Creosote is a gummy, combustible substance that coats the inside of a chimney. Depending on the temperature of the smoke, it can liquefy and form a tough coating that lines the inside of the chimney, or it can mix with other solids to produce a fluffy, flaky, porous substance that builds on itself and eventually plugs up the chimney.

Either way, creosote buildup is a dangerous thing because creosote is highly combustible. It can cause chimney fires, which are no joke. They can burn as hot as 2,000° Fahrenheit. More than a third of all home fires in rural areas, where wood is most often used as a primary heat source, begin in the chimney.

Stages of Creosote Buildup

Stage One. Stage One creosote buildup is flaky and easy to remove. It comes right off when the chimney sweep works their brush through the chimney.

Stage Two. Suppose the creosote isn’t removed while in Stage One; it can begin to harden and adhere to the inside of the chimney. It takes on a gummy, tar-like consistency that gradually hardens into a crusty coating that must be removed with powered, rotary chimney cleaning equipment.

Stage Three. If the chimney is neglected even after Stage Two creosote has formed, the fire hazard becomes critical. The creosote forms a highly-flammable glaze that can be ignited by the heat from the fireplace or stove and fuel a chimney fire. Stage Three creosote usually cannot be removed without damaging the chimney liner. Usually, the liner will have to be replaced.

Please note that a standard chimney sweeping does not include removing Stage Two or Stage Three creosote, nor repairs to the chimney if needed. These services are available at an additional charge which will be explained to you before the work is done.

Preventing Chimney Fires

The good news is that the risk of chimney fires can be significantly reduced by regular chimney maintenance.

The most important part of chimney maintenance is having your chimney inspected and professionally cleaned by a qualified chimney sweep at least once a year, preferably in the fall, before the start of the heating season. Clean chimneys don’t catch on fire.

An annual inspection can also detect other chimney problems that can be easily corrected before they become big problems that threaten your family’s safety — or your bank account.

A professional chimney sweep will look for problems like weather damage to bricks and mortar, cracks, loose or damaged chimney linings, or bird or animal nests during the inspection.

In addition to regular chimney maintenance and cleaning, here are some other rules to reduce creosote formation and reduce the risk of chimney fires:

  • Always burn only the fuel(s) for which your fireplace, wood stove, or wood furnace was designed and is approved.
  • Never burn paper, cardboard, treated lumber, plywood, particle board, or finished wood in your wood burner. These materials contain inks, dyes, waxes, glues, and other dangerous chemicals.
  • Never burn plastic or rubber in your wood-burning fireplace, stove, or furnace.
  • Don’t use flammable liquids as fire starters.
  • Make sure that cordwood has been adequately seasoned or kiln-dried before burning it. Unseasoned wood contains way too much moisture to burn cleanly, greatly accelerating creosote formation. Ideally, softwoods like pine and fir should be seasoned for at least a year after falling, and six months should pass between splitting and burning. Hardwoods like oak, maple, and walnut should be seasoned for at least two years after being felled, and a year should pass between splitting and burning.
  • If approved for use in your wood burner, high-quality manufactured logs made from compressed wood scraps and sawdust usually burn hotter and cleaner than cordwood, resulting in less creosote production. (But they also absorb moisture like sponges, so make sure to store them in a dry place.)

Other Chimney Services

We also provide chimney repairs, custom chimney cap installations, and many other chimney-related services. Please click here for more details.

Professional Affiliations

We are proud to be members of the National Chimney Sweep Guild and the Chimney Safety Institute of America. We perform all of our chimney maintenance work to the highest professional standards.

Weatherford Chimney Repair Services

Professional Chimney Repairs

ALLGone Services provides professional chimney repair and restoration services throughout the Greater Dallas – Fort Worth area.

Chimneys take a lot of abuse. Besides being exposed to the elements, chimneys have to deal with rapid and dramatic temperature shifts, animals that try to bend back the flashing so they can get into the house, and birds whose droppings can damage and deface the brickwork or other exterior surface of the chimney.

Over time, these changes can compound themselves. For example, rainwater can get trapped between the chimney and its liner, causing damage when the temperature goes below freezing, and then again when a fire is started, and the chimney heats up.

Chimney damage from exposure to weather and elements can be repaired by strengthening the masonry work, replacing loose bricks, and adding a new crown. ALLGone Services has the skill and experience to restore your chimney’s appearance and function.

Custom Chimney Cap Installation

ALLGone Services installs all kinds of chimney caps and pots and can custom-fabricate chimney caps for any chimney — even hard-to-fit ones.

At ALLGone, we understand that chimney caps serve a practical purpose, but they also affect the looks and value of your home. That’s why we take the time to discuss the best options to make your chimney cap “fit in” with your home, so it looks like it was there from the day your house was built.

We can make your chimney cap out of brand-new, shiny metal if you like (like the one in the picture on the right) and wait for time and the elements to season the metal naturally. But if you have an old, distinguished home with lots of character, and you want the chimney cap to look more natural, we can fabricate and install a pre-weathered chimney cap that already looks as distinguished as the rest of your stately, older home.

We work with pottery, copper, steel, stainless steel, and all types of metals, giving you the widest choice of materials to suit the look and character of any home.

Your Full-Service Chimney Company

We provide all kinds of chimney repairs and maintenance throughout the Dallas – Fort Metropolitan area, including:

Chimney Inspection and Cleaning.

  • Bird and Animal Removal and Exclusion.
  • Chimney Repairs (filling cracks, replacing damaged bricks and mortar, re-facing, chimney crown repairs, replacing flashing, etc.).
  • Chimney Liner Replacement.
  • Chimney Damper Installation and Repair. A properly functioning chimney damper is essential for your proper ventilation of toxic fumes, fire safety, and energy efficiency.
  • Custom Chimney Cap and Chimney Pot Installation (pottery, copper, steel, stainless, and all types of metals).
  • Complete Chimney Rebuilding and Restoration.

Professional Affiliations

We are proud to be members of the National Chimney Sweep Guild and the Chimney Safety Institute of America. We perform all of our chimney maintenance work to the highest professional standards.

In need of chimney services – call our team at 817-903-9109.

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